We are officially over 6,000 signatures to Let Women Decathlon!

It is incredible the amount of support this movement has been gaining.

As the petition is shared more and more, I can hardly even write this fast enough before it hits 7,000! What an awesome problem to have.

The wildfire of the issue continues to spread with the continued help of people like you:

·      The ones who hear of the issue and decide to take action.
·      The ones who have daughters, sisters, and other women in their life that do sports whom they wish to inspire and encourage.
·      The ones who may not be involved in athletics at all but who believe women are capable of anything they set their minds to and decide to empower them through signing.
·      The ones who have a circle of friends, family, coworkers and beyond (no matter how big the circle is) and share the news.
·      The ones who know what it’s like to be discriminated against because of their demographic and have true empathy and passion for supporting others in similar situations.

It is because of the over 6,000 of you that we can continue to create change. We female decathletes may train day in and day out. We may break records. We may cry out in frustration. We may continue to do what we love despite the lack of opportunity.

But how could we create this kind of wake in our world if it weren’t for those like you who stand behind us and believe in us?

From the bottom of my heart, the hearts of other current female decathletes, and the hearts of future generations of young girls who will have opportunities never possible without your help,


Once we have finished this race I hope you will continuously feel the pride that you literally helped changed the world and the future lives of so many.

We will continue the fight. We will create change. We will have a world where we no longer have to tell young girls, “No. You can’t do that. It’s only for the boys.”

-Jordan Gray
Let Women Decathlon


More than an Athlete - #letWomenDecathlon on NBC


Let Women Decathlon on Keep The Flame Alive Podcast